
The timeline for elections will generally line up with the above. Expect announcements of the specific dates and how to declare candidacy at the beginning of each semester. See below for the positions available, number of slots, when each can be run for, and the rules governing the elections.

The Student Government includes the following elected representatives:

  • One representative of each section in the 1L class.
  • Four representatives of the 2L class.
  • Four representatives of the  3L class.
  • Two representatives of the LL.M. program.
  • One representative of the S.J.D. program.
  • One representative of each transfer class.

During the Fall semester, Student Government holds an election for the 1L class Reps., L.L.M. Reps., the new Transfer Rep., and the S.J.D. Rep.

Halfway through Spring semester, there is another round of elections for next year’s 2L Reps., 3L Reps., and Co-Presidents.


In addition to the rules of elections laid out in the constitution and bylaws, the Election Commission has created the following supplementary rules.

1. Candidates may not promise or give away cash, gift cards, or other monetary incentives as part of the campaign.
2. In decisions about the punishment of violations where the intent underlying or seriousness of the violation is not clear, failure to seek the advice of the election commission may be construed against the candidate.
3. In the reporting of costs for the purposes of Bylaws section 5.5(d), expenses spent on materials advocating the election of multiple candidates or tickets shall be counted in full toward the costs of each candidate or ticket who has consented to appear or be identified on such materials.
4. “Personal written communications,” as used in Bylaws section 5.5, shall mean any email, social media, physical, or other written communication addressed to no more than five people other than the candidate(s).

5. An act by any person that (1) benefits a candidate(s) and (2) would violate the election rules or bylaws if done by the beneficiary candidate(s), may be attributed to the beneficiary candidate(s) if the beneficiary candidate(s) could have reasonably prevented the act.