LIDS Projects and Committees Training Event – Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 7-9 pm

Come to LIDS’s Projects and Committees Training Event!

Join the Law and International Development Society (LIDS) on Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 7-9 pm in Austin West at Harvard Law School to learn about the organization and ways that you can get involved in the coming school year. We will be highlighting our fall projects, which cover a range of topics such as micro-finance, post-conflict constitution drafting, and Islamic property law. We will also discuss ways to get involved in LIDS committees that make the magic happen by assisting with events, the symposium, and communications.

Note that this event is mandatory for people that want to participate in projects!

(If you have class at this time, contact [email protected] and/or [email protected], who will ensure you have the information you need to participate on fall projects.)

Also a reminder that applications to work on fall projects are due next Thurs., Sept. 26 at 7PM! Visit LIDS Live for more information on how to apply:

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