LIDS relies in large part on the support of the legal community to make our endeavors possible. Your firm can get involved in a number of ways, including:
- Funding: LIDS operates on a small budget and could utilize new sources of financial support for specific projects, events, clinical programs, conferences, and general programming support. Funding is one of the most effective ways to raise the visibility of your firm at HLS, particularly among first-year students, while making a high-impact contribution to our mission. Please contact Allison Beeman for more information or if you are interested in making a donation.
- Speak at HLS: If your travels take you to the Northeast U.S., it would be great to have your attorneys speak to a group of students about the work you do related to law and development. We have had a number of very successful talks and informal brown bag lunches with attorneys practicing in project finance, international arbitration, FCPA, and international trade, and such access to professionals is very helpful for students interested in careers in development.
- Provide Career Advice and Mentoring: Would your attorneys be willing to be a contact for students interested in learning more about your international practice? LIDS welcomes volunteers from your firm who could help Harvard Law Students develop a network of informative contacts in the private sector.
- Provide Strategic Advice: As professionals with a thriving practice, your input is crucial. We value the opportunity to learn about what you think LIDS could do and what value we can provide to you and our client organizations as we grow.
- Keep in Touch Online: Keep in touch and join us on LinkedIn or Facebook to help build an online network for students and alumni, and sign up for our email newsletter by emailing LIDS with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
We would sincerely appreciate any support that you are able to provide. Please email LIDS for information about more ways that your firm can get involved.