Today there’s widespread agreement that factory farming is devastating for human and animal welfare. This talk is not about those problems. Instead, Reese will drawn upon evidence from history, psychology, and elsewhere to trace out the strategic roadmap that seems most likely to end factory farming. The timeline has four stages: Foundation, Revolution, Stigmatization, and Follow-Through. Reese will trace out the most important developments of technological and social change in each of these stages, such as the advent of clean meat (real meat made without animal slaughter) and the ethical issues with so-called “humane” animal farming.
Jacy is the Research Director at Sentience Institute, a nonprofit think tank researching the most effective strategies to expand humanity’s moral circle. His upcoming book, The End of Animal Farming, uses the effective altruism lens to outline a roadmap to a more ethical, sustainable, and prosperous food system for humans and animals. He has written in outlets including Quartz, Salon, and Vox, and presented on these topics in 20 countries.
A small number of books will be available for sale at the event. The author will sign copies (both bought at the event or elsewhere). For the best price and to ensure you get a copy, please order on Amazon beforehand!