Student Government Meetings

There are two kinds of Student Government meetings:


Student Council Meetings

Expected in attendance: The executive board and all elected representatives

Student Council meetings consist of all elected members of Student Government sitting together. This body is empowered to pass resolutions to express the will of the Student Body and exercise other powers of Student Government. All students are welcome to attend, but only duly elected members of Student Government can vote. These are generally bi-weekly.


Full Student Government Meetings

Expected in attendance: The executive board, all elected representatives, and committees

These meetings begin similarly to Student Council Meetings but eventually break out into specific committee business. All students are welcome to join. Once a student is a member of a committee, they are empowered to vote on matters before the committee; however, committee members exercise no voting power within the Student Council. These are also generally bi-weekly, alternating with the Student Council meetings.

Interested in being a part of a committee? Join a committee from the ‘Get Involved’ menu tab”!