November 8, 2019: The EU in Global Multilateral Economic Governance

It is a truism to state that global multilateral economic governance is in a state of turmoil. The WTO has not been able to deliver on the Doha Round and faces an existential crisis, with its Appellate Body ceasing to function in December. But also, other international economic institutions, from the IMF and World Bank to the OECD, face testing times. This even applies to the informal “clubs” of economic governance, such as the G7 and G20, where the sense of common purpose has been tainted in the last years. In such a turbulent context, the European Union has set itself the daunting task of keeping the flame of multilateralism alive. This lecture critically looks at the EU’s institutional features and policies in order to assess whether it can effectively preserve the multilateral rules-based order. Not being a state, having only attributed powers and a rather complicated system of international representation, and adding to what other players often see as “too many Europeans in the room”, it may not be obvious for the EU to succeed in its endeavours.

Speaker: Jan Wouters. Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam EU and Global Governance, founding Director of the Institute for International Law and of the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven.

Sponsors: RCC; Harvard European Law Association; Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in European Union Law and Government.

Date: Friday, November 8, 2019, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Location: Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, WCC 3018

October 29, 2019 HELA lunch talk with Judith Merkies and Alvaro Renedo Zalba

Join HELA lunch talk on the Fragility of EU Law-making with Judith Merkies and Alvaro Renedo Zalba.

Judith Merkies is a former Member of the European Parliament (for the Netherlands). Experienced international lawyer specialized in European law. Has worked in the private sector and in the European Commission before being elected to Parliament. Special focus: (the lack of) public policy response to the impact on society by disruptive innovations.
Alvaro Renedo Zalba Is a Spanish career diplomat who specialized in EU affairs for the past 13 years. Alvaro Renedo Zalba served as Director of the Department of European Affairs and G20 in the Presidency of the Government of Spain. Alvaro Renedo Zalba is also an academic his current research project focuses on ways to optimize efficiency in existing channels of diplomatic interlocution between the EU and the US administration.

When: Tuesday, October 29th at 12:00 pm

Where: 2009 WCC

* Non-pizza lunch will be served

November 1, 2019 Brexit and European Challenges from a US Tax Perspective

Within the context of general uncertainty around the Brexit deadline scheduled for October 31, 2019, that could be delayed further as a result of the British Parliament Special Session on October 19, 2019, this panel will bring in certainty in one of the most important areas for business, the economy as well as for public and private legal practitioners, namely, the impact that Brexit will have in fiscal policy and taxation law.

Speakers will focus on tax treaties and showcase how supranational law (at the international, European and US levels) produces consequences that go beyond the intended territorial scope of its application. Likewise, they will review how states, even if they are able to leave regional blocks of integration, are progressively bound by rules and standards created by those blocks, substantially limiting their status as autonomous subjects of international law.

Speaker: Stephen Shay, Senior Lecturer, Harvard Law School; Kathleen Saunders Gregor, Partner, Ropes & Gray LLP.

Chair: Jose M. Martinez Sierra, RCC Director, Jean Monnet ad Personam Professor in EU Law and Government, Faculty Sponsor Harvard European Law Association

When: Friday, November 1st at 12:00 pm

Where: 3018 WCC

October 31, 2019 Corporate Law and New Technologies

Research Fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and member of its board, Luca Enriques is Professor of Corporate Law at Oxford University and one of the founding academic editors of the Oxford Business Law Blog. He completed his LL.M. at Harvard Law School and worked at the Bank of Italy. He was a consultant to Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton and an adviser to the Italian Ministry of the Economy and Finance on matters relating to corporate, banking and securities law with a special focus on European Union policy initiatives. He was also a Commissioner at Consob, the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission.

OCT 25, 2019 Lunch Talk: Working for and with European Union institutions

Harvard Worldwide Week: Working for and with European Union institutions: public and private sector careers in Brussels

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to a presentation by Professor José Manuel Martínez Sierra who will discuss career options within the institutions themselves as well as in Brussels’ option-rich private sector.

Professor Martínez has previously worked for the European Commission. The session will be followed by a Q&A during which participants will be able to ask questions as well as a brief informal networking opportunity.

Lunch will be provided.

MAR 1, 2019 Lecture on Combating International Corruption

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to a lecture by Bernard Cazeneuve, Former Prime Minister of France.

On Friday March 1 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm, Mr. Cazeneuve will talk about the Cooperation between the United States and Europe to combat International Corruption. The Lecture will take place at Hauser Hall, 102 Malkin Classroom, Harvard Law School.

Please note that there are only 40 tickets available for the lecture. You can register on Eventbrite with the password “HELA”.

Bernard Cazeneuve

Bernard Cazeneuve was Prime Minister of France from 2016 to 2017. He was also Minister of State for European Affairs (2012-2013), Minister of State for the Budget (2013-2014) and Minister of Interior (2014-2016).

Since 2017, Bernard Cazeneuve has been a partner at August Debouzy specialized in White-Collar Crime, Compliance and Litigation. He has also been a speaker at many conferences related to security, politics, law and economy and a lecturer at the Paris University Sciences Po on international security.

The Lecture

Mr. Cazeneuve will talk about the cooperation between the US and Europe to combat bribery and international corruption, a field he is practicing in as a Partner at August Debouzy. After the lecture there will be ample opportunity to ask questions.

With the adoption of the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (FCPA) in 1977, the US aimed to tackle the problem of corruption by Foreign Public Agents of American firms. Since the adoption of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions in 1997, the US has also applied the FCPA extraterritorially and concluded the Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) for crimes committed abroad by foreign firms.

At the same time, Europe aimed to attack international corruption in domestic firms by adopting laws inspired by the US model. For example, the UK adopted the Bribery Act in 2010 and France adopted the Law Sapin II in 2016 which created a legal framework similar to the DPA and an Anti-Corruption Agency.

Mr. Cazeneuve advocates both the creation of a European Anti-Corruption Prosecutor in charge of prosecuting corruption committed in Europe or by European firms and a renewal of the cooperation between the US Department of Justice, European Union, and European Prosecutors.

MAR 2, 2019 HELA’s Spring Conference 2019


The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to its annual Spring Conference which will be held on Saturday March 2, 2019 from 9:00am to 6:00pm at Wasserstein Hall, Milstein Conference Center, Harvard Law School.

The spring of 2019 will be a pivotal moment in EU history with Brexit becoming a reality in March 2019. Furthermore, European elections take place in May 2019, which makes the Conference an opportune moment to reflect on the successes and failures of the EU institutions over the past five years. The Conference will focus on the digitalization of the economy and whether the goals for the Digital Single Market set by the Juncker Commission have been reached.

The Conference will explore certain challenges posed within this broader framework and will analyze the impact of these developments on EU-US relations through four panel discussions on (1) Brexit, (2) Banking & Finance, (3) Antitrust and (4) the Digital Economy.


9:00 am – 9:30 am Registration and breakfast

9:30 am – 10:00 am Keynote address by Bernard Cazeneuve, Former Prime Minister of France


Bernard Cazeneuve, Former Prime Minister of France
Jessica Simor, Matrix Chambers
Marjorie Chorlins, US Chamber of Commerce
Michael Waibel, University of Cambridge
Allan Hennessy, Harvard Law School


Peteris Zilgalvis, European Commission
Markus Lammer, Credit Suisse
Martin Boehringer, Credit Suisse
Douglas Landy, Milbank
Heinrich Nemeczek, Freshfields
12:45 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch


Jason Furman, Harvard Kennedy School
Michele Davis, Freshfields
Alfonso Lamadrid De Pablo, Garrigues
Matthew C. Hammond, Harvard Law School, US Department of Justice
Meredith Mommers, Freshfields
Keith Hylton, Boston University


Dipayan Ghosh, Harvard Kennedy School
Nicholas Bramble, Google
Thanos Rammos, Taylor Wessing
Julian Westpfahl, SKW Schwarz
Urs Gasser, Harvard Law School

4:15 pm – 4:30 pm Closing Remarks by Tim Hickman, White & Case

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Networking reception


The Conference is generously sponsored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP as well as Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, Taylor Wessing LLP, Credit Suisse, SKW Schwarz, White & Case LLP, Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard and Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in EU Law and Government

MAR 25, 2019 HELA Lunch Talk: Challenges Of An In-House Antitrust Counsel


Please join HELA and HLS Antitrust Association for a lunch talk on the challenges faced by an in-house antitrust counsel with Anneleen Streatemans. Ms. Streatemans is Global Legal Director Competition at AB InBev. She leads AB InBev’s global antitrust strategy and is overseeing AB InBev’s antitrust compliance worldwide.


Ms. Streatemans will first talk about her career path and will expand on questions such as what made her switch from being an antitrust lawyer practicing at a law firm to working in-house, how being an in-house counsel is different from working at a law firm and how experience gained at a law firm is relevant in-house.

Ms. Streatemans will furthermore discuss some of the challenges that arise in ensuring antitrust compliance at a multinational/multi-billion company. She will in particular elaborate on what happens after a court or antitrust authority has ruled on antitrust questions and how large multinationals ensure their employees stick to antitrust rules even when those rules remain grey.


Ms. Straetemans is Global Legal Director Competition at AB InBev, and leads AB InBev’s global antitrust strategy. She supports all markets and business units in everything antitrust or competition related. This includes partnering with Revenue Management, Trade Marketing and Sales to help shape commercial strategies, rolling out antitrust toolkits across the world and leveraging behavioral insights, big data and new technologies to improve antitrust compliance.

She is an active member of Women@Competition, a platform to showcase up and coming antitrust talent, and is a regular speaker at conferences and universities. She holds a master degree in law from the University of Leuven (2009) and UC Berkeley (2010).

Lunch will be served.

MAR 27, 2019 Lunch Talk: Scrutinizing Foreign Direct Investments in the EU

Please join HELA for a lunch talk on Foreign Direct Investment Screening in the EU.

Christian A. Krebs, Partner at Jones Day, will give an introduction on the relevance of Foreign Direct Investment screening for M&A deals and other investments in European businesses, introduce the new EU regulation on Investment Screening and discuss its effects on Foreign Direct Investment in Europe.

The Topic

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) are the backbone of a globalized economy. Yet, for the sake of national security and public policy, governments around the globe have started to push back on foreign direct investments. Therefore, investment screening becomes an issue for international M&A deals and other investments. Most notably, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) has recently earned itself a reputation of being a protectionist tool to avert unwanted transactions.

Taking the hint from the US, a public debate about scrutinizing – and blocking – FDI has commenced in Europe. In order to harmonize the varying screening policies in the EU Member States, the EU has passed a regulation on investment screening, which will come into force in April 2019. The lunch talk will discuss this new EU regulation and its expected effects.

Christian A. Krebs

Christian A. Krebs is a Partner at Jones Day, based in Frankfurt. He has more than 10 years of experience advising international corporations and financial sponsors on cross-border M&A transactions, corporate law, and corporate governance. Chris is recommended for large M&A transactions in The Legal 500 EMEA and Germany. Foreign Direct Investment Screening is a frequent part of his cross-border M&A practice. Chris worked at international law firms in New York, Brussels, and Buenos Aires.

Chris’ interest for EU and international law emerged during his studies at the Universities of Saarbrücken (Germany) Lille (France) and Warwick (UK). As part of his German practical legal training, he worked for a while on various EU law matters for an international law firm in Brussels. Chris graduated from Harvard Law School in 2011 with an LL.M. Degree.

Non-pizza lunch will be served. The lunch is sponsored by Jones Day.

APR 4, 2019 Lunch Talk: Antitrust and Data Privacy


Please join HELA and HLS Antitrust Association for a lunch talk on the interplay between antitrust and data protection in the digital economy with Dr. Salomé Cisnal De Ugarte.


The rise of big data (including personal data) has impacted many business areas and poses a challenges for both antitrust and data protection. The question has risen whether antitrust enforcers should be concerned with data privacy or whether this should be dealt with by data protection agencies under data privacy laws. Earlier this year, the German Competition Authority has taken the view that data privacy is indeed an antitrust issue and has found that Facebook infringed competition rules by breaching data protection provisions.

Dr. Salomé Cisnal De Ugarte

Salomé is managing partner at Hogan Lovells in Brussels and advises on all aspects of EU competition law, including merger control, investigations (cartels, verticals, state aid, dominance and other behavioral issues), compliance and litigation before the EU courts. Salomé’s practice covers all industry sectors, but is widely known for her particular experience and in-depth knowledge in consumer goods and services. In 2013, she received the International Law Office’s (ILO) EU Competition Lawyer of the Year Client Choice Award, which recognizes those lawyers and law firms around the world that stand apart for the excellent client care they provide and the quality of their service.

Salomé is associate professor of EU competition law at IE Law School and a fellow of the Centre for European Studies/IE in Madrid. She frequently writes and speaks on issues relating to competition. She is the president of the Harvard Club of Belgium and a member of the board of the global Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). Salomé was appointed Vice-Chair of AmCham EU Competition Policy Committee in 2017 for a two-year term.

Salomé graduated summa cum laude in law and economics from the University of Deusto (Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura) and holds a master of laws (LLM) from Harvard Law School, where she was an associate fellow of the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard. She obtained a PhD in law from the European University Institute in Florence and has been a Fulbright scholar. Salomé is admitted to practice in Belgium and Spain.

APR 5, 2019 Women in Antitrust

The HLS Antitrust Association and European Law Association is thrilled to welcome Salomé Cisnal De Ugarte (Managing Partner of Hogan Lovells’ Brussels office), Kathy Bradish (Counsel, Cleary) Sam Hynes (Associate, S&C), Laura Collins (Senior Associate, Freshfields) to discuss women and antitrust.

Lunch will be served.

APR 9, 2019 Lunch Talk: Official Secrets and Oversight in the EU

Please join HELA for a lunch talk on official secrets and oversight in the European Union with Dr Vigjilenca Abazi.


Does the governance of secrecy in the European Union impede its fundamental principles of democracy and fundamental rights? Based on her recent book, Dr Abazi explains the shifts in institutional practice of oversight in the European Union that disproportionately favour secrecy and the protection of classified documents while creating serious limitations to open democratic deliberations and access to justice.

Based on material from forty interviews with practitioners and other stakeholders, this book talk will also offer an understanding of the practices of official secrets and provide a critical and much-needed perspective on how parliamentary, judicial and administrative oversight institutions deal with access to classified material and the dilemma of oversight to concurrently ensure secrecy necessary for EU security policies and openness needed for constitutional checks and balances.

Dr Vigjilenca Abazi

Dr Abazi is a Fellow at Yale Law School, Information Project Society and Assistant Professor of European law at Maastricht University. She has been an Emile Nöel Fellow at NYU School of Law and Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School. Dr Abazi holds a PhD degree from University of Amsterdam and an LLM from Yale Law School.

Dr Abazi has more than 20 scientific peer-reviewed publications in leading journals and is member of editorial board at European Journal of Risk Regulation. She has been invited for more than 40 academic guest lectures at leading universities worldwide including at Harvard Law School, Oxford University, European University Institute, University of Tokyo, FGV Brazil, NYU, Sciences Po Paris. Her work has been translated in Russian, German, and Spanish and featured in news media such as Der Spiegel, Le Monde, EU Observer, Bloomberg and Publico. In addition to her academic work, Dr Abazi has offered legal advice to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.

APR 17, 2019 End of Semester European Mixer!

The last European Mixer of the year is just around the corner! Before you file all your assignments or you depart for your next adventure, join us next Wednesday, April 17, at 6.30 pm, to get some European inspiration for those challenges!

The venue hosting us will be announced shortly! We hope to see you all there! Share the event with your friends and be ready for another evening where united in diversity will again be the motto!

NOTE: 21+ Photo ID required. Only passports will be accepted as international IDs.


The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following event that we are co-sponsoring with the Harvard Human Rights Journal:

The Laws of War: Enforcement in Human Rights versus International Criminal Courts
When: Friday, March 27, 2015 (1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Where: WCC 1015

Judge Spano will be sitting on the panel “The Laws of War: Enforcement in Human Rights versus International Criminal Courts” at the Harvard Human Rights Journal Symposium. The panel will discuss the pros and cons of enforcing international humanitarian law in international criminal courts versus international human rights courts. Coffee and small refreshments will be served.


The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following event that we are co-sponsoring with the Harvard International Law Journal:

The 2015 Harvard International Law Journal Symposium – “BORDERS AND CROSS-BORDER ENFORCEMENT”
Friday, February 27 from 12:05-6:00 pm
WCC B010

This year’s symposium will provide students, practitioners, and academics with a forum to discuss the evolution and challenges of defining borders and cross-border projections of law today. The Symposium will feature:

– A keynote address by Justice Francis Jardeleza, who served as the Solicitor General of the Philippines from 2012-2014, during the initiation of the government’s UNCLOS arbitration claim against China over maritime boundaries
– Three panels with an amazing line-up of scholars, practitioners, and government advisors from around the world
– Free Crema Cafe lunch, snacks, and drinks throughout the day

Co-Sponsored by Harvard Asia Law Society, Harvard Association for Law and Business, Harvard European Law Association, Harvard Law and International Development Society, Harvard Law School Human Rights Journal, and Harvard National Security and Law Association.

LOCATION: Wasserstein B010

======= 12:05 – 12:45 PM =======
Opening remarks: Vice Dean William Alford
Keynote Address: The Honorable Francis H. Jardeleza, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, Former Solicitor General of the Philippines
(Catered Lunch from Crema Cafe)

======= 1:00 – 2:30 PM =======
Panel 1: Drawing New Borders? Self-Determination and Independence Movements
(Refreshments from Crema Cafe)

–Gardner Bovingdon – Associate Professor, Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University Bloomington
–Hurst Hannum – Professor of International Law, Fletcher School of Diplomacy, Tufts University
–Hon. David J. Scheffer – Director, Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern University School of law; former US Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
–Jure Vidmar – Professor of Public International Law, Maastricht University
–Moderator: Alexis Dudden – Professor of History, University of Connecticut

======= 2:45 – 4:15 PM =======
Panel 2: Conflicting Claims: Maritime Disputes and the South China Sea
(Refreshments from Crema Cafe)

–Kuen-chen Fu – Director, Center for Oceans Law and Policy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Law; arbitrator for CMAC, CIETAC
–James Kraska – Professor in the Stockton Center for the Study of International Law, US Naval War College
–Harry Roque – Director, University of the Philippines Law Center Institute of International Legal Studies; Associate Professor at the University of Philippines College of Law
–Stefan Talmon – Professor of Public International Law at the University of Bonn
–Moderator: Gabriella Blum – Rita E. Hauser Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Harvard Law School

======= 4:30 – 6:00 PM =======
Panel 3: Economic Sanctions: Implementation, Effectiveness, and Ethics
Sponsored by Sullivan & Cromwell
(Refreshments from Crema Cafe)

–Joy Gordon – Senior Global Justice Fellow, Yale MacMillan Center; Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. Professor of Social Ethics, Loyola University Chicago
–Dara Panahy – Partner, Milbank
–Brad Smith – Chief Counsel, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at US Dept. of the Treasury
–Sean Thornton – Legal Counsel, BNP Paribas; former Chief Counsel, OFAC
–Alex Willscher – Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell; former Assistant United States Attorney, SDNY
–Moderator: Maggie Gardner – Climenko Fellow and Lecturer in Law, Harvard Law School


The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following event that we are co-sponsoring:

The Role of Lawyers in Enabling and Justifying Torture
When: Thursday, February 12, 2015 (7:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.)
Where: WCC 1010

Please join Professor Alex Whiting and Wells Dixon as they discuss the role of lawyers in authorizing the post-9/11 US torture program. The panelists will speak about their experiences litigating torture cases, explore ways in which individuals implicated in torture can be held accountable, and discuss possible institutional reforms in legal pedagogy and curriculum at HLS aimed at producing more morally-conscious and ethical leaders.

Persian dinner will be provided.

Organized by the Harvard Muslim Law Students Association, with co-sponsorship from:

Advocates for Education
Black Law Students Association
Harvard African Law Association
Harvard European Law Association
HLS Armed Forces Association
HLS Christian Fellowship
HLS Democrats
Justice for Palestine
La Alianza
Law and International Development Society
Middle Eastern Law Students Association
South Asian Law Students Association
Students for Inclusion
The National Security Law Association

December 2, 2014 (Harkness South Dining Room): Holiday Party

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following event that we are co-sponsoring:

WLA Holiday Party

Take a break from studying and join us and several other student groups for the WLA’s annual Holiday Party! Come for sweet treats, hot drinks, and good company. We also will be making holiday cards for hospitalized children. All are welcome!
When: Tuesday, December 2, 7-9 p.m.
Where: Harkness South Dining Room
Co-sponsored by: Harvard Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA), Harvard African Law Association (HALA), and Harvard European Law Association (HELA).

October 22, 2014 (WCC 5044): Challenging Secrecy – Perspectives from the EU and US Practice

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Challenging Secrecy: Perspectives from the EU and US Practice
When: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 (12 PM – 1 PM)
Where: WCC 5044

Vigjilenca Abazi, Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School and lecturer on EU Law at University of Amsterdam, will be addressing the challenges secrecy gives to democratic processes of oversight both in the EU and US practice, linking her broader theoretical work on secrecy with the developments of NSA, the discussion on leaks, and how this has affected the EU-US relations on trade.

April 21, 2014 (WCC 3016): Vice-President Lenaerts on “EU Values and Constitutional Pluralism”

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Vice-President Koen Lenaerts

“EU Values and Constitutional Pluralism”

on Monday, April 21 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in WCC 3016


Koen Lenaerts
Born 1954; lic. iuris, Ph.D. in Law (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); Master of Laws, Master in Public Administration (Harvard University); Lecturer (1979-83), subsequently Professor of European Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (since 1983); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice (1984-85); Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (1984-89); member of the Brussels Bar (1986-89); Visiting Professor at the Harvard Law School (1989); Judge at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities from 25 September 1989 to 6 October 2003; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003; Vice-President of the Court of Justice since 9 October 2012.


We thank the Center for European Studies for their support of this event.


April 11, 2014, 12-1PM (WCC 3016) – Professor Bradford: “The Brussels Effect”

The Harvard European Law Association and the Women’s Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Professor Anu Bradford

“The Brussels Effect: How the EU is unilaterally shaping the world through global commerce”

on April 11, 2014 at 12 pm – WCC 3016

(lunch will be provided)

Professor Anu Bradford (originally from Finland) has been a professor at Columbia Law School since 2012. Before moving to Columbia, she was an assistant professor at University of Chicago Law School, where she specialized in international trade law. She is an HLS LLM and SJD graduate, as practiced law at Clear Gottlieb, advised on economic policy for the European and Finnish Parliament, and has been named a Global Young Leader by the World Economic Forum.

April 15, 2014, 12-1PM (WCC 3016): Judge Rodin: “Dumb and no More Here”

Dumb and no More Here:

An inquiry into impact of rulings of the CJEU

The talk will problematize, from perspective of EU law, the difference between the immediate impact of “living” judgments of the Court of Justice, that is, judgments which make part of the living judicial dialogue between EU and national judges, and impact of “well settled case law”. While the former arguably affects judicial decision making in the Member States the latter has a potential of long term influence on national legal culture. In the second part I will address criticism addressed to the Court as to coherence of its case law, alleged inability to control its own docket, lack of dissenting opinions, cryptic language of its judgments and legitimacy of its rulings.  I will argue, that critique of adjudication sometimes fails to identify functional comparators on which the very critique is based and claim that the Court of Justice delivers similar goods as other model courts, just in a different guise. I will also suggest that immediate impact of judicial decisions dramatically differs from their transcendental impact, partly due to the change of context and utterer and partly due to the change of audience targeted by a decision. In the third part I will explain the difference between original and transcendental subjectivity and argue that law/policy conundrum, i.e. the tension between fidelity to law and undeniable contribution to policy of European integration can be explained by two shifts in analysis of its case law. First, the temporal shift from creative to interpretative moment and, second, the shift of the interpretative subject from the Court itself to external users of its case law.


Prof. Siniša Rodin earned his Ph.D. degree from the  University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Croatia  in 1995, and his LL.M. degree from the  University of Michigan Law School  in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1992. He specialized European Law at the  European University Institute  in Florence, Italy, and German Constitutional Law at the  Max-Planck Institut für ausländisches öeffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht  in Heidelberg, Germany. He is recepient of the University of Michigan Law School Merit Award, and the University of Zagreb Rector’s Award. In 2001/2002 he was Fulbright fellow and Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School. Prof. Rodin is member of the  International Association of Constitutional Law  and of the European Communities Studies Association. He is author of 2 books and more then 50 research papers. Together with prof. Tamara Ćapeta he co-authored the first textbook on EU law in Croatian language. Prof. Rodin’s  scientific interest includes issues of constitutional interpretation, fundamental rights and constitutional aspects of European integration. His research also focuses free movement of services.  He is member of editorial board of Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy and Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht. He is member of UACES and FIDE.

Prof. Rodin holds ad personam Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Zagreb, Croatia. His teaching includes a general course on EU law and an advanced course on Human Rights in the EU. He is one of the supervisors of students participating at the European Law Moot Court Competition and Central and East European Moot Court. In 2012 prof. Rodin also teaches at CEU San Pablo Madrid and as a Marc and Beth Goldberg Distinguished Visiting Professor at Cornell University Law School.

Prof. Rodin contributes to the Enzyklopädie des Europarechts (Nomos 2013) and currently works on the project “Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe”, to be published by Springer Verlag in 2013.

Since July 1, 2013 Siniša Rodin serves as a Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union.


Please find the text of Judge Rodin’s presentation here: Dumb and no More Here.

March 26, 2014: Prof. T. Perisin on “EU regulation, world trade and values”

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:


Professor Tamara Perišin

“EU regulation, world trade and values: Should the EU care what the world thinks?”

on Wednesday, March 26 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM


Prof. dr. Tamara Perišin, MJur (Oxon) graduated cum laude at the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Law; as a Chevening scholar earned the degree Magister Juris in European and Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, St. Edmund Hall; and completed her PhD at the University of Zagreb having defended her thesis before an international committee. As a part of her doctoral and post-doctoral research, Tamara Perišin studied as a visiting researcher at the Asser College Europe, T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague; as a Fulbright scholar at the Georgetown University, Washington D.C. and at the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor; as a “visitor-in-the-cabinet” of Advocate General Sharpston at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg; a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Fellow at the Central European University, Budapest; and a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg. She passed the Croatian bar exam. T. Perišin works at the Department of European Public Law where is she is the leader of the Jean Monnet Module “EU and WTO in a comparative perspective”; in the period 2009-11 she served as Vice Dean for International Cooperation. She was a Member of the Working Group for Free Movement of Goods in the EU Accession Negotiating Team of the Croatian Government. T. Perišin is on the Editorial Board of the “Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy”, “Zagreb Law Review” and “SEEL Journal”. She is an author of many articles and of the book “Free Movement of Goods and Limits of Regulatory Autonomy in the EU and WTO”, T.M.C. Asser Press.

March 13, 2014 (WCC 3018): Professor van Erp: “The EU as the Latest Mixed Jurisdiction”

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Professor Sjef J.H.M. van Erp

“The EU as the Latest Mixed Jurisdiction: Property Law as an Example”

on Thursday, March 13 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in WCC 3018


Sjef van Erp holds a law degree from Tilburg University (1977) and studied at the Faculté Internationale pour l’Enseignement du Droit Comparé and the Hague Academy of International Law. After working as a research assistant and adviser at the Netherlands Royal Society of Notaries, he started working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, Tilburg University. As a visiting scholar, he did comparative legal research at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Germany), Wolfson College Cambridge (UK) and Berkeley (US). In 1990, he completed his doctorate thesis and continued his work at Tilburg University as an associate professor. He continued his research abroad at Cambridge (UK), Berkeley (US), Quebec (Canada), Harvard (US), Osnabrück and Hamburg (Germany). He was visiting professor at Université Laval (Quebec, Canada) and Cornell University (US), and Socrates visiting professor at Trento University (Italy). In 1997, Sjef van Erp was appointed Professor of Civil Law and European Private Law at Maastricht University. Currently (2003), he is chairman of the Private Law Department. He is Deputy Justice at the Court of Appeal of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Deputy Judge at the District Court of Amsterdam, President of the Netherlands Comparative Law Association, board member of the International Association of Legal Science and co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Journal of Comparative Law (, member of the international editorial board of the Russian Journal of Comparative Law, co-founder and member of the board of the Dutch Inter-University Foundation for the Study of European Private Law and member of the Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato in Studi giuridici comparati ed europei of Trento University (Italy). Other professional activities include: membership of a Dutch group of experts to assist the Russian Federation, Armenia, Ukraine, Eritrea, Belarus, the Baltic States and Hungary during the redrafting process of civil and commercial law (including the training of judges), membership of a Dutch delegation to Mongolia in order to establish a training programme for the Mongolian judiciary, co-founder and Dutch chairman of the Netherlands-German Law Association and board member of the Inter-University Foundation ‘Centre for International Legal Cooperation’. His research focuses on comparative and European private law and the comparison of the American federal experience with European integration.

February 28, 2014 (WCC 3018): Professor Fabbrini: “Fundamental Rights in Europe”

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Professor Federico Fabbrini

“Fundamental Rights in Europe”

on Friday, February 28 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in WCC 3018

Federico Fabbrini will discuss the topic of fundamental rights in Europe. Professor Fabbrini is tenure-track Assistant Professor of European & Comparative Constitutional Law at Tilburg University. He holds a B.A. in European & Transational Legal Studies from the University of Trento, a J.D. in Law from the University of Bologna and more recently a Ph.D. in Law from the European University Institute. He recently published a book entitled “Fundamental Rights in Europe.”

February 25, 2014 (Lewis 214B) – Professor Kelemen: “Eurolegalism: The Transformation of Law and Regulation in the European Union”

The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Professor R. Daniel Kelemen

“Eurolegalism: The Transformation of Law and Regulation in the European Union”

on Tuesday, February 25 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in Lewis International Law Center 214B Room.

R. Daniel Kelemen, Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University, will discuss the topic of Eurolegalism. Professor Kelemen is currently a visiting fellow in the Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA) at Princeton University. Kelemen previously served as Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Politics and Director of the Center for European Studies at Rutgers University.


March 7, 2014 (WCC 3018) – Professor Bradford: “The Brussels Effect: How the EU is unilaterally shaping the world through global commerce”

The Harvard European Law Association and the Women’s Law Association would like to invite you to the following talk:

Professor Anu Bradford

“The Brussels Effect: How the EU is unilaterally shaping the world through global commerce”

on March 7, 2014 at 12 pm – WCC 3018

(lunch will be provided)

Professor Anu Bradford (originally from Finland) has been a professor at Columbia Law School since 2012. Before moving to Columbia, she was an assistant professor at University of Chicago Law School, where she specialized in international trade law. She is an HLS LLM and SJD graduate, as practiced law at Clear Gottlieb, advised on economic policy for the European and Finnish Parliament, and has been named a Global Young Leader by the World Economic Forum.

“The ‘Treaty Power’ and Parliamentary Democracy: Comparative Perspectives” – Prof. Robert Schütze – November 25, 2013

Professor Schütze is Professor of European Law at Durham University and a Fulbright Schuman Research Scholar at the Harvard Center for European Studies (CES). Professor Schütze is presently writing a book on “Foreign Affairs and the European Constitution”. He has kindly agreed to give a lunch talk to HELA, on Monday November 25, from 12 am to 1 pm, about “The ‘Treaty Power’ and Parliamentary Democracy” in the EU. Food will be served. The room is TBA.

“Europe’s Monetary Union: Making it Prosperous and Resilient” – Dr. Jens Weidmann – November 25, 2013

Dr. Weidmann will give a talk on Europe’s Monetary Union from4:15 pm to 6 pm at the CES European Economic Policy Forum (Adolphus Busch Hall, 27 Kirkland St). The event will be chaired by Benjamin Friedman, William Joseph Maier Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University.

Event is free and open to the public. Seating is on a first come basis. Website: Contact: Sarah Delude ([email protected]).

Gráinne de Búrca – “What is the European Union for?” – October 25, 2013, 13:00 PM-14:00 PM

HELA invites you to the presentation that Professor de Búrca will give on October 25, 2013 to a select group of students on the topic: “What is the European Union for?” (Cabor Room, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies).

Professor Gráinne de Búrca is one of the most prominent legal scholars in EU law. Since 1995, she is the author with Paul Craig of the classic EU Law textbook. She has been a member of the faculty at Harvard Law School, the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), the Centre for European and Comparative Law (Oxford, UK), and is now teaching at NYU.


Guided tour of Boston – October 20, 2013, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM

HELA is organizing its first social event on Sunday, October 20. Daniel Dykes, a professional tour guide, has agreed to show us Boston in a new light! Join us at 10 AM at John Harvard Statue. We will then take the T into Boston and tour the old downtown and waterfront (including the Old State House where the American Revolution began), Beacon Hill (where John Kerry and the old elites of Boston live), Boston Common and some of New England’s dramatic Civil War history, and the Black Bay. The tour should last for about three hours. Please feel free to bring your friends!

The Future of European Integration after the Fiscal Compact

“The Future of European Integration after the Fiscal Compact”

April 12, 2012

5 pm

WCC 1015

Harvard Law School


We are delighted to announce a discussion between Professors Miguel Maduro and Damian Chalmers on the future of the EU in light of the new fiscal compact. Things are changing quite dramatically in the EU due to the financial crisis and the EU Institutions and the Member States are responding in a number of different ways. One of the adaptations has been the agreement to forge a fiscal compact which will bind EU Member States to certain fiscal rules in order to ensure fiscal stability through the Union. However, the UK and the Czech Republic are electing to remain outside this agreement and many are now speculating that this will lead to a two-tiered Europe with these states being left behind in the EU project – is this a real potential or just hyperbole? Come and find out!

This event will be moderated by Associate Professor Vlad Perju who will then open up the discussion to the audience who will have the opportunity to put questions to the Professors.

Prof. Damian Chalmers – a leading EU law scholar from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). He is co-author of one of the leading treatises on European Law and is the editor of the European Law Review. Prof. Chalmers is also an expert in European politics.

Prof. Miguel Maduro – a Professor of European Law and the Director of the Global Governance Program at the European University Institute. He is a former Advocate General for the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. Professor Maduro specializes in European Union law, international economic law, constitutional law, and comparative institutional analysis.

Associate Prof. Vlad Perju – a tenured associate Professor of law at Boston College Law School. His primary research and teaching interests include the law of the European Union, comparative constitutional law, constitutional theory and legal theory.

Law and Ethnicity in the light of the ex-Yugoslav conflict

Harvard European Law Association (HELA) kindly invites for the lecture
“Law and Ethnicity in the light of the ex-Yugoslav conflict” 
Prof. Tibor Varady (LLM ’68, SJD ’70), ex-Minister of Justice in the last democratic Yugoslavian government
Thursday March 22
12:00 pm
Hauser Hall 105
Harvard Law School

The Yugoslav war was the most horrible civil law Europe faced after the II World War. Was the road to Srebrenica paved by law?
Poster available HERE

European Networking Reception

The Harvard European Law Association invites you to the first ever European Networking Reception co-organized by the European Clubs at Harvard Law School, the Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Business School, Harvard College, MIT and the Fletcher School at Tufts.

Grasp this rare opportunity to have a drink

with students from a variety of backgrounds, who all have interconnected futures in Europe!Mark your calendars for the evening of  in Milstein East C at the brand new Wasserstein building at Harvard Law School.
If that wasnt enough, this reception will also be the launch of the Harvard European Student Society and the chance for you to get involved in the new co-operation between all the European students in Cambridge.We look forward to meeting you next Wednesday!Chloe and Jodie-Jane
On Behalf of the Harvard European Law AssociationOptional RSVP to [email protected] to guarantee your spot.

Equality and Social Justice in the EU


Harvard European Law Association kindly invites for the lecture with Professor Alexander Somek (Charles E. Floete Chair in Law at University of Iowa College of Law) on the topic “Equality and Social Justice in the EU”.

March 9, Friday


Hauser Hall, Room 105

Harvard Law School

Event is co-sponsored by:

Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School

International Legal Studies Program at Harvard Law School

Alternative Pathways To Venture Philantropy


The Harvard European Law Association would like to invite you to the lecture given by philanthropist Ladislav Kossar on “Alternative Pathways to Venture Philanthropy – Lessons from Europe”. The lecture will be held on November 17th, 2011 at 5:30 in Pound Hall 100.


Roma Rights at the European Court of Human Rights: Challenging Involuntary Sterilization

On October 20, 2011, Harvard European Law Association hosted a meeting with Ms. Barbora Bukovská – HLS LL.M. graduate of 2005, who explained her battle for Roma women’s rights and practice of forced sterilization in Slovakia. To learn more about the phenomenon, we invite you to watch a document film available on youtube: Forced Sterilisation – Slovakia

Barbora Bukovská, LLM ’05, is currently Senior Director of Law and Policy at the London-based human rights organization Article 19. A founder of the Czech Republic’s first legal clinic, in 2001 she founded the Centre for Civil and Human Rights in Kosice, Slovakia, where she led efforts to eliminate the practice of forced sterilization of Romani women in Slovakia, as well as other human rights abuses. Currently, she is representing a group of Roma women who were forcibly sterilized by Slovakian authorities in their case before the European Court of Human Rights.

Breakfast with Marek Belka, President of the National Bank of Poland

On September 26, 2011, Harvard European Law Association hosted breakfast with Mr. Marek Belka and about 20 graduate and undergraduate students from Harvard Law School, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Business School, Harvard College, Graduate School of Arts and Science, MIT and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Mr. Belka shared his views about current economical crisis as well as explained the economic transition that occurred in Poland after collapse of the communist regime. Moreover, he commented on his experience in International Monetary Found and in Iraq, where he was responsible for monetary reforms and economic recovery.

Mr. Marek Belka is currently President of the National Bank of Poland. He held many important national posts. He was a Prime Minister of Poland in 2004-05 and Minister of Finance in 1997 and again in 2001-2002. On international level, Mr. Belka was appointed a Director of IMP’s European Department and before Chairman of the Council for International Coordination for Iraq.