2014-15 is proving busy for HLS SALDF! Our upcoming events for the spring semester include:
Jon Lovvorn of HSUS, “The Intersection Between Animal Law and Environmental Law” February 9, 12pm
Carter Dillard of ALDF and Stephanie Feldstein of CBD, “Animal Rights, Human Rights, and the Future of our Planet” February 23, 12 pm
Town hall meeting on HLS’s Animal Advocacy Program, February 24th, 12pm
Chris Green of ALDF, “Puppy Mills and Dog Breeding: The Realities Behind Buying a Pet” February 25, 12pm
Ingrid Newkirk Talk, President of PETA, February 26, 12pm
Harvard Law School will host the National Animal Law Competition, February 27-29th
Josh Tetrick of Hampton Creek (Just Mayo), TBD
Panel on the Hazards Faced by Workers in Factory Farms, TBD.
See events page for details!