What an amazing year, HLS SALDF!
This school year, we:
- held 13 talks, on topics including: animal law careers, Massachusetts’ upcoming animal protection ballot initiative, animals on ballots generally, Egypt’s constitutional animal protection provision, prosecuting cruelty, “ag gag” laws, legal protections for farmed animals, farmed animals generally, what animal law can learn from environmental law, the future of cultured meat, human obligations toward animals, animal rights and human rights, and undercover investigations. Our talks ranged from 27 to 122 attendees each!
- traveled to Portland, OR for the Animal Law Conference where we received a SALDF of the year award; to DC and Maryland where we visited several animal law and animal welfare offices; and to a local farm sanctuary.
- submitted a pro-animal comment to a federal agency
- repeatedly appeared in the press, and our members wrote numerous animal-related news articles
- participated in, and volunteered at, the National Animal Law Competitions
- collected signatures and volunteers to get farm animal protection on the Massachusetts ballot
- joined a walk for farm animals and tabled at four events