Role on Campus

HLS GOP serves several important roles for moderate and conservative students on campus who are specifically interested in politics, election law, and public policy.

First, and most importantly, we aim to build a community of Republican law students in a predominantly Democratic environment. This includes hosting prominent speakers (e.g., former Congressman Bob Inglis; political commentator William Kristol; senior Romney adviser Bob White, and Al Cardenas, Chair of the American Conservative Union) and GOP social events. We have also made it a priority to engage with our classmates and friends from across the aisle through a variety of events.

Second, HLS GOP alerts students about opportunities to volunteer with local and national political campaigns.

Finally, the capstone event of every academic year is the annual HLS Republicans trip to Washington, D.C.  Some of the highlights from last year’s trip include meetings with Senators Mike Lee and Tom Cotton, Representative Ron DeSantis, as well as a variety of congressional staffers and political operatives.


HLS GOP is a diverse group open to all Harvard Law students. We also welcome interest from the larger University community. If you are interested in meeting other moderate and conservative students and enjoy discussing the issues currently facing our country, consider coming to an HLS Republicans event!


If you have any questions, or would like to be put on our e-mail list to receive notifications about upcoming events, please contact us.


 Ab Henry ([email protected])