BSA Application Process for 2024-25
NOTE: The information below reflects the application process that occurred in Spring 2024, for the 2024-25 school year. Links to past materials have been removed, and 1L students interested in applying for 2025-26 should keep an eye out for future communications from the BSA.
The Board of Student Advisers (BSA) is an organization of second- and third-year law students who serve as teaching assistants in the first-year Legal Research and Writing course at HLS, act as advisers and mentors for 1L students, and administer the Ames Competition. The BSA therefore seeks students who are passionate about academics, involved in the HLS community, willing mentors, and excited about the prospect of joining the BSA. Becoming a member of the BSA is a two-year commitment. Students are eligible to apply to the BSA during the spring of their 1L year. Dual-degree students are welcome to apply in the spring of their 1L year. Transfer students are welcome to apply in the spring of their 2L year. While students may apply to the BSA, the Harvard Law Review, and the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau (HLAB) simultaneously, if a student is selected for more than one organization, he or she must commit to only one organization. We hope you’ll apply!
Important Dates
- February 14: Joint Info Session with HLR and HLAB
- February 28: BSA Open House | 6-8 pm | BSA office & Student Org Room
- February 28: BSA Application Goes Live Here (see below)
- March 19: BSA Application Closes at 5:00 PM ET
- March 26 – March 29: Interviews, including mock student conferences, take place
- Mid-July: Notification of decisions
How to Apply
PLEASE NOTE: All parts of the Mock Student Work Assignment are due to your interviewers, not with the rest of the application materials. Also, you no longer need to request your transcript , per a recent change from the Registrar.
- STEP 1: Complete the BSA Registration Form
- STEP 2: Download and complete the 2024-25 BSA Application and Mock Student Work Assignment
- STEP 3: Submit application to [email protected] by 5:00 PM ET on March 19 (See Application for detailed instructions)
- STEP 4: Schedule interviews and attend interviews (Send completed Mock Student Work Assignment in advance)
Application Materials – Due March 19th at 5:00 PM ET
- Registration Form
- 2024-25 BSA Application
- Resume
- Statement of Interest
- Optional Statement
- Interests & Extracurricular Activities List
- Transcript Request (See Application for details)
Due Before Interviews: March 26 – March 29
- Mock Student Work Assignment
- After interview assignments are made, you will receive instructions on submitting your mock assignments to the appropriate interviewers.
Interviews & Mock Student Conferences: March 26 – March 29
- You will participate in two in-person interviews.
- Each interview will include: (1) a mock student conference based on the mock student work assignment in the application materials; and (2) an interview.
If you have questions, please contact Debbie Park at [email protected] and Aliyah Graves-Brown at [email protected].