CLSA is the on-campus home for Catholic students, faculty, and friends in the Harvard Law School community.  The Catholic community at HLS is diverse and united in our faith in Christ.  CLSA prides itself on being a student-run organization that is open to everyone seeking spiritual enrichment, truth, community service, and fellowship.

CLSA has an ongoing partnership with the Harvard Catholic Center to host regular on-campus Mass and various community events.  As a ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston and St. Paul Parish in Harvard Square, the Harvard Catholic Center keeps a tradition of faith and friendship alive and flourishing on Harvard’s campus.

Outside of weekly Mass and Harvard Catholic Center events, CLSA hosts many events, including social and service events and prayer group meetings.  CLSA also co-hosts Masses and events with Catholic groups at the other Harvard graduate schools.

We look forward to meeting new 1Ls, transfers, LLMs, and SJD students, as well as anyone who is looking to get more involved in the Harvard Catholic community.  Please contact one of our co-presidents, Margaret Cross, Marcos Mullin, or Matt Rohrback, for all things CLSA. We would love to hear from you!

 Welcome, and we hope to see you soon!

Margaret, Marcos & Matt
Harvard CLSA, 2023-24