If you are a law student and are interested in gaining experience in the space sector, there are several opportunities for you to consider. You can find some below.
Disclaimer: This page is intended to share some of the internship opportunities currently available. It does not intend to be an exhaustive list. Additionally, although we try to keep the list as updated as possible, the Harvard Space Law Society does not guarantee the positions are available and up to date. You must always confirm with the original entity to ascertain if the internship opportunity is currently available.
NASA Summer Legal Honors Internship:
- General Law Practice Group: The General Law Practice Group (GLPG) intern would work on a variety of legal projects related to litigation, administrative law, and government ethics. Projects may include employment/EEO and labor law, environmental, tort claims, FOIA, Privacy Act, legislative processes, conflicts of interest, fiscal law and other miscellaneous topics. Tasks may include research, analysis, document review, writing legal memoranda, and preparing documents in support of litigation. There also may be opportunities to participate in depositions and/or hearings. Would be ideal for a student considering a career in government, or someone looking for generalized legal and/or litigation experience.
- Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Practice Group: The Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Practice Group (CAIPG) intern would work on a variety of legal issues related to how the Government plans and implements contracts with industry to carry out its missions, including procurement policy, contract formation strategy, competition, contract award, management of the contract, small business matters, disputes and bid protests, procurement fraud and false claims. Tasks may include research, analysis, document review, writing legal memoranda and preparing documents in support of litigation. There may be opportunities to participate in litigation proceedings, collaboration with legal counsel at NASA field offices, and client interactions. Interest or course work in government contracts is preferred but not required.
- International Law Practice Group: The International Law Practice Group (ILPG) intern would work on a variety of issues involving international law and/or US law which may impact NASA’s international cooperation, export control, or telecommunications practice. The intern would be expected to work on negotiating, drafting, and interpreting international agreements. Other tasks would include research, analysis, and writing legal memoranda. Minimum requirements for the ILPG internship only – completion of second year of law school and at least one class in international law. Editorial experience or demonstrated excellence in writing is desired.
Federal Communications Commission:
- International Bureau Internship: The International Bureau administers international telecommunications and satellite programs and policies, including licensing and regulatory functions. The bureau also promotes pro-competitive policies abroad, coordinates global spectrum activities and advocates U.S. interests in international communications and competition. No prior communications or technical experience is necessary, but candidates must be current full- or half-time students at an accredited college or university. Law students, international studies students, and students majoring in business and/or economics are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have strong writing and analytical skills.
- Commissioner’s/Chairman’s Office Internships: Each individual Commissioner has their own interns, who work on matters from all divisions of the FCC, including the Satellite Division.
Federal Aviation Administration:
- Regulations Division Intern: The Regulations staff is responsible for developing, reviewing, and interpreting aviation regulations. The subjects include: airworthiness, operations, airspace, air traffic, aircraft and airman certification, aviation safety, aviation medicine, commercial space launch licensing, and industry drug and alcohol testing. The Regulations staff is also involved in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and interns may receive assignments in that subject matter area as well.
- Airports and Environmental Law Division Intern: The legal intern’s work in the Environmental Law Branch may include: assisting attorneys in advising clients and reviewing environmental assessments and environmental impact statements for proposed airport development, air traffic matters, and commercial space launch facility launch licenses, for legal sufficiency under the National Environmental Policy Act and other environmental laws (g., Historic Properties, Endangered Species, Clean Water, Clean Air, etc.); assisting in defense of environmental litigation; advice and counsel concerning proposed environmental policies and procedures; and providing advice concerning agency compliance with hazardous waste laws (e.g., Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act).
- International Affairs and Legal Policy Division Intern: The International Affairs and Legal Policy Staff develops the Agency’s position on international aviation law issues; serves as liaison for FAA on international aviation legal matters with international organizations, foreign countries, other Government agencies and industry; advises the aviation war risk insurance program; provides legal support for FAA emergency operations and warnings to the aviation community respecting foreign airspace; and provides legal policy guidance on all matters related to international aviation, including aircraft registration, flight standards subjects, airworthiness and certification, air traffic matters, statutes addressing international issues, and treaties and conventions concerning aviation and space and matters related to aviation and space. The legal intern’s work in the International Affairs and Legal Policy division may include: researching, analyzing, and advising on international aviation and commercial space law issues; reviewing foreign countries’ aviation laws and regulations; and assisting in the drafting of international agreements. Technical experience required: none
Firms with significant space practices:
- Wiley
- Milbank
- Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis