The 2023 African Development Conference

The ADC is an annual collaborative event, which is student led, organized by current students of African descent at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Law School, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Harvard School of Public Health, and Harvard College.

The Africa Development Conference (ADC) at the Harvard University has become the premier conference for facilitating global discourse on the primary issues of Africa’s development. Now in its fourteenth year, the 2023 conference will bring together influential players to further the debate and share progressive policies and practices for a better future for Africa. The conference is designed to support Africa’s expedited structural transformation by offering a platform that advances intellectual and practical debate and enhances partnerships between governments and investors in rebranding and reshaping Africa in the international development arena. This reshaping will require a comprehensive evaluation of development with considerations from the fields of law, government, technology, health, education, design, media, and more.

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