President: Will McConnell, ’22
A Boston native, Will grew up between Boynton Beach, FL and Catania, Italy. Prior to law school, Will worked as an anti-death penalty advocate, a strategy consultant, and served in various roles in the House of Representatives, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. Will is an avid fan of soccer and, embarrassingly, of the TV-series Murder, She Wrote. After law school, Will hopes to pursue a career in clean energy infrastructure development and economic justice. To contact him, please email: [email protected].
President & Treasurer: Katherine Valde, ’22
Katherine is a 3L from Iowa City, Iowa. Before coming to law school, she worked as a researcher at the Brennan Center for Justice and the Democratic National Committee. Katherine loves reading fiction, hiking, and eating popcorn.
Vice President & President Emeritus: Mike Klain, ’22
Communications Director: Taylor Broadbent, ’23
Campaigns Chair: Jacob Arkatov, ’22
Campaigns Chair: Zachary Woodward, ’24
Local Campaigns Liaison: Ben Stern, ’24
Events Chair: Mohini Tangri, ’24
1L Representative: Maya Jeyendran, ’24
LLM Representatives: Joseph Kelen ’22, Andrea Vignini ’22
Board History:
President: Anna Hevia
President: Mike Klain
Programming Chairs: Julianna Astarita & Ari Sillman
Treasurer: William Meyer
Campaign Co-Chairs: Adira Levine & Josh Hillman
Down-Ballot Race Director: Will McConnell & Jacob Arkatov
Communications Director: Michael Glanzel
Co-Director of Policy: Josh Hillman
Maine Liaison: Katherine Valde
Alumni Relations Director: Jacob Carrel
President: David Sackstein
President: Anna Hevia
Vice President: Mike Klain
Treasurer: William Meyer
Programming Chair: Julianna Astarita
Campaign Chair: Samuel Stratton, Raisa Cramer
Down-Ballot Race Director: Priya Sundaresan
Communications Director: Shenghao Wang
Member-At-Large: Richard Sun
Outreach Director: Chloe Cotton
Director of Policy: Jacques R. Singer-Emery, Sam Magaram, Michael Glanzel
New Hampshire Liaison: Erin Freeman, Molly Broderick
Activism Coordinator: Kwame Newton
Alumni Relations Director: Ari Sillman
President: Brad Pough
President: Hannah Klain
Vice President: Jacob Glick
Programs: David Kimball Stanley, Melissa Greenberg, Maseeh Moradi
Campaigns: Cassandra Liu, Jake Meiseles
Recruitment Director/1L Coordinator: Jonathan Yang
Policy Director: Anika Khan
Outreach Coordinator: Amanda First
Communications Director: Teddy Grodek
Activism Coordinator: Alexander Andresian
MA Dems Liaison: Justin Kenney
Alumni Director: Heath Hyatt
Treasurer: Elisabeth Mabus
Social Director: Robert Beecher
Fundraising Coordinator: Frank Xiao