We aim to create a community for Canadian students (and allies) and to serve the unique needs of that community.
eh?LS will be governed by an elected Cabinet, tasked with serving the needs of its members
Prime Minister
The Prime Minister (PM) will be like the moon among lesser stars, and will set the general agenda of the eh?LS. The PM will determine the division of responsibility among other members of Cabinet and will officially appoint the Governor-General after elections. Together with the Minister of Finance and Governor-General, the PM can create additional cabinet roles for election in either the fall or spring election periods. The PM will be a signing officer.
Minister of Finance
The Minister of Finance will be a signing officer of the society and will ensure that eh?LS operates within the DOS-provided means. The Minister of Finance will take on other responsibilities in collaboration with the PM.
The Governor-General will be the 1L representative on Cabinet. No actions may proceed in Cabinet without assent as provided by the Governor-General, which the Governor-General should always give unless the Prime Minister is acting in bad faith. If Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II comes to HLS, then all of the powers of the Governor-General shall revert to Her Majesty for the period she is in residence. The Governor-General shall also officially appoint the incoming Cabinet in the spring term.
All interested HLS students will be welcome to attend all events. Official membership will be limited to those HLS students who pay a one (1) loonie membership fee. Membership will last until the next September 1.
Elections will proceed in two terms. Members are encouraged to vote to ensure a diversity of gender and geographic representation so that Cabinet doesn’t look like the Rosedale Club c. 1952.
Spring Elections
The Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and any other roles that may be created will be elected in the spring of the year, before May 1. They will serve for a full calendar year. All HLS students may stand for election, but only official members of eh?LS may vote. Interested students will self-nominate. Voting will proceed by instant run-off ballot. Voting will begin with Prime Minister, then Minister of Finance, then to all other roles at the discretion of the incumbent Governor-General.
Fall Elections
The Governor-General will be elected in the fall of the year, before (Canadian) Thanksgiving (Columbus Day). All 1Ls may stand for election, but only official members of eh?LS may vote. Interested students will self-nominate. Voting will proceed by instant run-off ballot. Voting will begin with Prime Minister, then Minister of Finance, then to all other roles at the discretion of the incumbent Governor-General. The Governor-General’s role terminates when after the spring election is resolve. An incumbent Governor-General may stand for election to Cabinet.
Administration of Elections will be determined by a Chief Returning Officer, who will be appointed by Cabinet before the elections. All elections must be accessible, including to those students who may not be in Cambridge at the time of the election.
Failure to Hold an Election
In the event the board fails to hold an election by May 1, Cabinet is dissolved. Any current student may apply to the Governor-General for permission to hold an election. The Governor-General is deemed to grant that permission unless the Governor-General states otherwise.
Any official member may make a non-confidence motion. In the event a non-confidence motion is made, the Governor-General will determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe Cabinet no longer enjoys the confidence of the membership. If the Governor-General so believes, the Governor-General may call a referendum, and must give at least 48 hours notice of the referendum. Only official members may vote in the referendum. If a simple majority of voters indicate they lack confidence in Cabinet, Cabinet is dissolved, and all roles will be put up for immediate election.
Amendments to the Charter
All amendments to this Charter must have the unanimous consent of Cabinet and the approval of the majority of official members, as determined by referendum. If a referendum occurs, it must be advertised to all members for at least 48 hours.