A4E strives to create a community and outlet for those who came to law school with an eye towards using their skills to advocate for positive change for youth in schools. Many, though certainly not all, of our members have prior experience in schools, which helps inform the focus of our projects and fuels our interest in continuously learning about the field.

A4E is not a member-based organization – we welcome any and all Harvard students who are interested to join us at events, organizational meetings, and project tasks. Events in recent years have included:

  • Lunch talks with experts about topics such as civil rights in education in the south and using state constitutional law to litigate for equitable resource allocation
  • Events related to juvenile justice and other child welfare issues
  • Leading moot court activities and campus tours for local high school students
  • Panels on internships and careers in education law
  • Making connections with the Y-Lab program and other on-campus opportunities to engage in education and child advocacy issues
  • Mixers to bring together students across Harvard graduate campuses (including the Harvard Business School, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Harvard Kennedy School)