At the Francophone Society we also aim at creating and fostering a community of HLS students who either originate from Francophone countries or are just interested in learning more about the Francophonie, practicing their French, or exploring professional opportunities in the Francophone world.
In addition to the events we intend to organize throughout the year, we also want to extend opportunities to get to know each other and keep in touch online.
This is still a work in progress, but you can already join the group of current and former members of the Francophone Society on LinkedIn here, where we will post relevant job and career updates and ensure that we stay in touch even after our time at HLS.
There are also a number of other Francophone student organizations, in other Harvard graduate schools, in Harvard College, but also at other schools in the area. We will try and work and common projects and events, which will hopefully give you an opportunity to meet–and talk in French–with people outside of the Law School!